Arab American Café
A podcast by Arab Americans about America and Arabs everywhere, bringing you a unique perspective, both in English & Arabic but mostly in "Arablish." Café patrons will discuss current affairs, politics, culture, and healthcare. Your hosts are two doctors, Hassan and Mouhanad, and sometimes other friends who are just hanging out. Please make sure to share and subscribe! For all episodes you can visit Contact us at or follow us on twitter @cafepodcasts
Arab American Café
Going Bald! why, who’s at risk, and what can be done about it? Re-broadcast, In Arabic.
May 04, 2022
Season 3
Episode 17
Yes, you will experience hair loss, if not already now, wait few more years!
While this isn’t particularly an “Arab-American” issue, it is certainly a “universal” one. In this episode, we will approach the topic from a scientific medical perspective, identifying causes and reviewing available treatment options.
فقدان الشعر، يحدث للعديد من الناس وله مسبباته وتبعاته. نتحدث اليوم عن هذه الموضوع بالتفصيل ونغطي الخيارات العلاجية المتوفرة
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