Arab American Café
Arab American Café
NGOs & Non-Profit Orgs: a conversation with Dr Kamel Mohanna. Part 2. In Arabic.
Humanitarian work has evolved over the years from initially serving religious and political agendas, to non-profit non-governmental and civil society organizations, to large international institutions.
The proliferation of many organizations raises many questions prime among them: why? who can we trust? who is legitimate? And how and what works?
Helping us understand all of this is Dr Kamel Mohanna, a physician and a humanitarian who’s been a beacon in the field. Dr Mohanna is the General Coordinator of the Arab NGOs, and the Founding President of Amel Association International. Amel is one of the largest humanitarian organizations in the Middle East, nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and serving countless needy individuals in Lebanon and abroad.
We invite you to listen and enjoy. And please support us by sharing this podcast.
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